How do I work
Obviously I really enjoy working lean and agile. Co-creation methods and design sprints based on the philosophy of Design Thinking are what I enjoy because you start from zero and rapidly learn and create something new. It is hands-on, gives freedom but also the right level of constraints that forces you to be more creative. It requires people of all disciplines and the client to work close together for success.
Little is defined beforehand, it takes the whole team on a journey within a project, makes them aware of being dependent on each other. All people have more or less the same understanding of the project goals and success relies on the responsibility and motivation of everyone.
User research gives a direction but never the full answer, design systems help to give guidance and limit choice for a quick result (and if it’s not there, I can execute and help designing it).
Sketching, white boarding and prototyping are a huge part within my process. Ultimately you can only judge something if you can actually interact with it and have it in your hands.
So if I can choose to work in certain way, this is what I prefer.